We’re preparing for our eighth annual health and safety staff induction event, which will take place throughout January. The training will be delivered face to face this year, for the first time since before the pandemic.

Our inductions are split into two types: one tailored to drivers, and the other for site employees. The lorry driver inductions will be delivered to small groups in the boardroom and the site employee inductions will be delivered to small groups across a number of sites. All inductions will be complete by the end of January. 

The focus of this year’s driver inductions will be on road traffic incidents, specifically categorising incidents into either:

  • Lapses
  • Errors or
  • Violations

We will be providing footage from real life incidents and even analysing some of our own to educate drivers on how certain incidents can be avoided.

The emphasis for this year’s site employee inductions will be on health, safety and environmental procedures, and how we uphold our legal obligations to protect ourselves, each other and the environment.

The sessions are being organised by Jack Macfarlane, Head of Compliance and Lee Downer, Fleet Manager and in-house driver CPC trainer.

Jack said: “We’re approaching this year’s inductions a little differently after three years of virtual delivery due to Covid. We’re excited to be returning to face-to-face delivery as it gives us a chance to really touch base with staff and provide practical training in the same room, which has its benefits. We’ve tailored the inductions to our two core employee streams – drivers and site employees – to ensure the content is helpful and relevant to their role.” 

Learn more about TJ’s services and some of the staff training we invest in…

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