TJ maintains place in Solent 250 list

TJ has maintained their place in the Solent 250 listing, which celebrates the top private independent companies in the region by turnover.

The Solent 250 is the annual ranking compiled by The Business Magazine. Companies in the list are either start-ups or have moved their headquarters into the Solent area from elsewhere.

The prestigious listing acts as a gauge of the region’s economic performance. These 250 companies contribute significantly to the UK’s GDP, with many holding leading positions globally in their sector.

The combined turnover of businesses within the Solent 250 grew by 7.3% this year, going from £16.1bn to £17.3bn.  The turnover of the 250th company in the listing rose from £17m in 2020 to £18.6m in 2021, showing the general growth in businesses in the listing.

TJ has experienced good growth in the past year, going from a turnover of £32.9m to £33.4m.

Businesses in the Solent 250 employed an additional 4,439 people, increasing total employment to over 108,000. The largest sectors were retail (60), followed by manufacturing (39) and construction (34).

TJ General Manager Luke Haskell said:

“We’re delighted to be named in the Solent 250 list for 2021. We maintained our place about halfway in the list which is fantastic and a testament to our continuous effort and growth. Our hardworking staff and their dedication to prioritising excellent customer service continues to be the key to our success.”

Find out more about TJ Transport and the services we offer.

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