Butser Quarry operative completes WAMITAB training

Butser Quarry Weighbridge Operator Jess Greaney has successfully completed the WAMITAB Level 4 Medium Risk Operator for Non-Hazardous Waste Treatment and Transfer qualification.

This qualification is part of the WAMITAB Operator Competence Scheme, which is designed to enable permitted waste facilities in England and Wales to demonstrate that they employ technically-competent people with the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with Environmental Permitting Regulations (2007).

WAMITAB qualifications involve a set number of guided, 1-1 learning hours as well as additional personal study hours that you can complete at your own pace. Around 144 hours of study time is usually required, depending on the subject, to pass a Level 4 qualification, so these courses require a high level of commitment from participants.

Once active learning has commenced, the learner must check in with their tutor every two weeks to get their work reviewed and to enable the tutor to observe the learner conducting their duties on-site and report on them. Once the learning is complete for a qualification, the learner must submit written assignments along with supporting evidence.

Jess said: “My knowledge of health and safety, environmental policies and environmental management systems has improved a huge amount and I have a better understanding of all the correct procedures for the site. It has definitely made me more confident in my job role and I’m really grateful to TJ to have been given this opportunity.”

WAMITAB is an awarding organisation and charity that develops qualifications for those working in waste management and recycling, cleaning and street cleansing, facilities management and parking. They work directly with industry leaders to shape and deliver employer-led qualifications that provide individuals with fit-for-purpose skills for the workplace. They also aim to embed a culture of safety and progression, making the industry more attractive as a career.

Jess added: “Now that I have a greater level of knowledge, I’m looking forward to putting it into action in a practical way and getting more involved. I’m currently halfway through the Level 4 Medium Risk Operator for Open Inert Landfill qualification; I’m enjoying learning more about this as I have not had much to do with this yet.”

Learn more about the staff training that TJ provides…

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Luke Haskell
29 April 2024